Nurse Bats

Nurse Bats is the star of this self-published picture book series. The compassionate vampire works around the clock to help each monster who shows up at her spooky hospital. 

Digital copies can be bought here.

Nurse Bats’ Monster Hospital 

Ghosty really, really wants a hug…but how can you hug someone you can’t touch?

Nurse Bats’ Monster Medicine

Bats works together with her best friend Wraps (scientist and mummy extraordinaire!) to develop a vaccine for a nasty illness. 

Nurse Bats and the Cure-All 

What happens when a sneaky con woman creeps into town? Nurse Bats discovers that Miss Fangs’ “medicine” may not be all it’s cracked up to be. 

The trilogy was written and illustrated by Nicolette Nuytten 2019 -2020.